We, like Janet, are planning to use
Shutterfly for our Christmas cards this year.
Unlike Janet, I am not normally more ahead of the game on this—in fact, reading her blog post reminded me that I should get started on something.
Shutterfly has a great promotion going that gives Bloggers free holiday cards simply for posting about it as a blog post.
Plus I think I saw a free shipping promotional code and maybe even one for ten dollars off. If you have a blog and want to get in on this, click
HERE to follow the link and get an email with the directions.
I think the promotion goes until Christmas.
This year, we will be making a stationary card ( http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/holiday-cards ) with a picture of the kids we took on a Sunday morning after church. It was the best of many attempts, and both kids are smiling and no visible after-church windmill cookie crumbs, tears, or runny noses! We haven’t settled in on a design, so you’ll just have to wait and see. Here are our cards from last year and 3 years ago. I have no recollection of what we did 2 years ago ???